Friday, January 16, 2015

New Year. New You?

I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions.

This is the thing. I believe that if you want to change something you should do it right now. Why wait till January 1st? I mean, I kind of get it. After all – it’s a new year…why not start fresh. But still…

shopping less

A couple days into January my husband mentioned I should try shopping less. Whaaaat? Ridiculous. The funny thing is, the very next time I opened my phone – this beauty was on it. {“Shopping less” is not a realistic resolution.} It made my day. It came from an app I have on my phone – Keep. Have you heard of it? Maybe you already have it on your phone. I compare it a lot to Pinterest – only it’s clothes, shoes, purses, etc. and you can buy them directly from the app. It picks out cool stuff, you can keep it (for later), like it, or buy it right away and it all goes into one cart regardless where you are buying it from. GENIUS. It’s fabulous. Go try it out. You’ll either thank me later or be really mad at me for introducing you to it.

Do you make New Year’s resolution’s? Do you keep them?

1 comment:

  1. lol. I'm not even going to install the app. I might thank you later, but Bart wouldn't. :)
